Edit me
  1. I’ve come to ________(接人) Madame Othon, who’s been to present her respects to my family.

  2. He ________(拥抱了她), then stepped back on the platform.

  3. The concierge had lingered in the doorway for quite a while, holding the rats by their legs and ________(密切注视着) the passers-by, ________(抱着一线希望/侥幸一试) that the miscreants would ________(使他们露出真面目) by grinning or by some facetious remark. His watch had been in vain.

  4. But I’ll ________(俚语,表示当场逮捕).

  5. Tall and dark, M. Othon had ________(某种程度上) the air of what used to be called ________(老于事故、精于处事的人), and something of an undertaker’s assistant.