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  1. He got an impression that inquiries were ________(进行中/正在发生) with a view to drawing up a list of persons who might be instructed to leave the town and return to their homes.

  2. ________(据他所说), he had always thought that perseverance would ________(最终成功), inevitably, and, as he pointed out, resourcefulness in emergency was ________(对他的胃口/在他的兴趣范围内), ________(不妨说/也可以说).

  3. Besides these there were the consolers, who assured him that the present state of things couldn’t possibly last and, when asked for definite suggestions, ________([用不实之词]搪塞、欺骗) by telling him he was ________([因某事]大吵大闹) about a ________(暂时性的) inconvenience.

  4. These fruitless interviews had thoroughly worn out the journalist; ________([常用于提出缺点后]就优点而言) he had obtained much insight into the inner workings of a municipal office and a Prefect’s headquarters.

  5. ________(乍看起来/最初看来) this implied that he was not completely cut off from the woman who was awaiting his return, since ________(当局/统治者) were obviously ________(关心/留意) both of them.

  6. So he ________(沉重/缓慢地走了), calling on all sorts of officials and others whose influence would have had weight in normal conditions. But, as things were, such influence was unavailing.