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  1. Very quickly small groups of people are unable to find a seat ________(类型/类别/种类) at the doors.

  2. “In vain a zealous evangelist with a felt hat and flowing tie ________(穿梭在人群中行走), crying without cease: ‘God is great and good. ________(皈依他吧).’

  3. He saw his mother’s ________(凝视的眼神落在他的前额上). He knew that the worry and overwork of the last few days had ________(刻下了痕迹) there.

  4. “Toward six in the morning all these papers are being sold to the lines that begin to form outside the shops over an hour before they open; then to the passengers alighting from the streetcars coming in, ________(挤满了人), from the suburbs.

  5. “And all the hideous fears that ________(印上标记) their faces in the daytime are transformed in the fiery, dusty nightfall into a sort of hectic exaltation, an unkempt freedom fevering their blood.

  6. “In the early days, when they thought this epidemic was much like other epidemics, religion ________(坚持主张/坚持意图/坚持立场/不让步). But once these people realized their instant peril, they gave their thoughts to pleasure.