Everybody knows that pestilences
recurring in the world; yet somehow we find it hard to believe in ones that________(灾难从天而降,大难临头)
. -
“It doesn’t matter to me,” Rieux said, “how you phrase it. My point is that we should not act as if
that half the population would be wiped out; for then it would be.” -
But the thing that had struck him most about the man was his aloofness,
his mistrust of everyone he met. -
Being able, thanks to his professional status, to
, he had secured an interview with a high official in the Prefect’s office. -
But he had also
a wider, non-specialist public with a series of lectures on present-day individualism. -
Father Paneloux had already
with frequent contributions to the Oran Geographical Society; these dealt chiefly with ancient inscriptions,________(他是这方面的权威)
. -
Patient and watchful, ineluctable as the order of
. No earthly power, nay, not even—________(记住我的话)
might of human science can avail you to avert that hand once it is stretched toward you. -
Then Paneloux
, took a deep breath, and continued his sermon in a voice that gathered strength as it proceeded. -
, he had always thought that perseverance would________(最终成功)
, inevitably, and, as he pointed out, resourcefulness in emergency was________(对他的胃口/在他的兴趣范围内)
. -
“The newspapers and the authorities are
the plague. They fancy they’re________(打败)
it because a hundred and thirty is a smaller figure than nine hundred and ten.” -
Tarrou pointed out that,
, everyone was “under suspicion.” But the manager had his own ideas and was not to be________([对某种信念/想法]动摇)
them. -
“In the early days, when they thought this epidemic was much like other epidemics, religion
. But once these people realized their instant peril, they gave their thoughts to pleasure. -
“Anyhow, they’ve no choice. But—” Rieux pondered. “But
you know that work of this kind may prove fatal to the worker. And I feel I should ask you this; have you weighed the dangers?” -
Thus it was only natural that old Dr. Castel should
with unshaken confidence,________(不遗余力)
, at making anti-plague serum on the spot with the makeshift equipment at his disposal. -
how commendable that is, a fine example. -
Rambert. -
“Maybe. But I just can’t
the thought that it may last on and on, and all the time she’ll be growing older. -
“You’ve no objection to a
of something strong?” -
Let us suppose that these formalities were taking place at the
hospital of which Dr. Rieux was in charge. This converted school had an exit at the back of the main building. A large storeroom________(朝向/面向)
the corridor contained the coffins. -
Then he seemed to
again and when Rambert entered was shouting almost aggressively: “What’s more, I’m pretty sure you won’t________([在鼠疫问题上]取得进展/成果/)
.” -
When Rieux
that he’d like to be________(让他了解最新消息)
, Rambert proposed that he and Tarrou should________(联系/寻找他)
one night at the end of the week. -
It would be more correct to say that they were
emotionally as well as physically. -
But though they could clearly recall the face, the smile and voice of the beloved, and this or that occasion when (as they now
) they had been supremely happy… -
better, but the entries in his diary show that while his curiosity had kept its depth, it had lost its diversity. -
‘In fact, one might go farther; have you ever heard of a man with cancer being killed in an
?’ This theory,________(无论如何/无论怎么样)
, keeps Cottard cheerful. -
“And a moment later he added: ‘Say what you like, Tarrou, but let me tell you this: the one way of making people
is to give ’em________(一段短暂时间/一阵)
plague. You’ve only got to look around you.’ -
Though prices soared inevitably, never had so much money been
, and while________(基本需求/日常必需品)
were often lacking, never had so much been spent on superfluties. -
“Gas is running out,” he said. “We’ll have to
it tomorrow.” -
, you and I. If I don’t turn up, go straight to their place. I’ll give you the address.” -
Some rather
movements he________(参加/参与[尤指违法行动])
gave ourconnoisseurs
of statecraft an impression of clever, if slightly overdone, effects, intended to________(使表现出)
the emotion of the words he sang. -
In other manifestations of life God made things easy for us and,
, our religion had no merit.
Review Notes
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