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  1. It certainly wouldn’t be ________(抑制) by the measures the authorities had so far devised.

  2. And they’ve loose on the town tens of thousands of fleas, which will spread the infection ________(以几何级数字[飞涨]) unless it’s checked in time.

  3. About this time the weather appeared ________(放晴), and the sun had drawn up the last puddles left by the recent rain.

  4. The only hope was that the outbreak would ________(自然死亡); it certainly wouldn’t be arrested by the measures the authorities had so far devised.

  5. “Don’t forget there are two sorts of cases: those who ________(感到害怕/受到惊吓), and those—they’re the majority—who don’t have time to do so.”

  6. Never had Rieux known his profession to ________(给某人压力/让某人焦虑) him so heavily. Hitherto his patients had helped to lighten his task; they gladly put themselves into his hands.

  7. “Anyhow,” the old man chuckled excitedly, “________(有头有脸的人物) are ________(吹捧/夸大其词). ________(感到紧张), haven’t they?”

  8. The local population, who so far had made a point of masking their anxiety by facetious comments, now seemed ________(舌头打结/无言以对/沉默不语) and went their ways with gloomy faces.

  9. And yet within four days the fever had ________(取得四项惊人的进步): sixteen deaths, twenty-four, twenty-eight, and thirty-two.

  10. “I see. Are they ________(检查/核对) the burials?”